Monday, May 12, 2008

A Reason For Everything

Holy crap! I can’t believe that it’s really happening. Not in my life! I always though that seeing myself as an Engineering student and walking inside the CPU Engineering Building, are nothing but dreams and illusions that I will have in the future. Many times, I loose hope for I know that my dream, of becoming an Engineer is too impossible to achieve. I cried for 3 days and 2 nights just to convince them that I was made for Engineering and not for Nursing. My mom (whom I give my utmost gratitude for her enduring support and love) told me that the reason why they wanted me to take Nursing is because they wanted nothing but the BEST for my future. But I thought, Engineering is the BEST for me. You can never teach a heart to love something which you never wanted in the first place. lol. They know and everybody knows that I always wanted to become an Engineer. I have to admit that until now my dad’s against my choice, but I promise and I will prove to him that I can also be successful in my chosen field of career. He even told me that “WOMEN HAVE NO PLACE IN THE FIELD OF ENGINEERING.” I really wanted to answer back, I just can’t! He is still my father and I still love him. I know that “what a man can do, a woman can do as well, and even better!” I never thought that making a decision was this hard. So what made me decide that I should just fight for my dream? Of course everybody knows that, it is a FULFILLMENT OF MY CHILDHOOD DREAM.

The 3 SIGNS:

1.) my requirements for Nursing were all prepared and ready, all I need is just pass them on Monday, but something horrible happened. My brother kind of had this wound which was bleeding, really really bleeding. Ever since I really have this fear for blood and I don’t know why. When I saw that, I ran away, I went to the Kitchen, I turned pale. My mom went inside she asked me why I looked so pale and I fainted. My mom told me that if I have that fear for blood, I will never be a Nurse. That afternoon, I realized that the reason why it happened to my brother was God’s purpose in order to remind me that my skills and future are not limited in the field of Science and Health. -woot!-

2.) my aunt called my dad and told him that she was coming over at our house the next day because she wanted to make sure and confirm what course I really wanted to take up. In the morning, I prayed what course God wants me to get and I asked for a sign. I told Him that I my aunt s wearing a RED SHIRT, I will certainly take Engineering, but if not, I will take Nursing. And guess what, she was in Red. Was that on purpose or just a mere accident?

3.) My dad got angry (even though he doesn’t show it, I have the vibes that he is angry) because I told my aunt that it’s final, I am taking up Engineering. I know that he is very very disappointed and frustrated. When night came, I had a hard time because I was having second thoughts of becoming a Nurse. I cried so hard and I felt in despair. I just asked God for help again because I know that “God has plans for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.” I know that He will reveal what He wants me to be, I just don’t know when or where, but when I closed my eyes, my dreams led me to Math Equations! And what do you think of that? It’s definitely part of Engineering.

But of course my dad wasn’t that satisfied. Even though I keep on telling him over and over again that Packaging Engineering can offer me opportunities just as much as nursing can, he still did a little bit of research. When I went to church that night, he searched everything about Packaging Engineering, and from there, all clear, that Packaging Engineering can also be for women and you can actually earn just as much as a Nurse can earn! So I guess, he was a bit relieved. I’m happy for everything. I have already set goals for myself this college which I will tackle and will absolutely give my best shot.

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