Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the mystery of TODAY

today is the current day, the day after yesterday, the day before tomorrow. so what made me say that the word and TODAY itself is a mystery? In English, we know that we can use the past,present and future tense as the time expression of today, while we can only use the past tense for what has happened yesterday and the future tense for what will happen tomorrow. See how flexible TODAY is. The synonym of the word TODAY is present. No, it isn't a coincidence. Today is actuaLLy a PRESENT from God. Live it just as how God wants it to be. A day with Janene would be a prayer in the morning when I wake up and another prayer at night before I sleep. This days, I noticed how my life changed, how I was changed and I am being changed. I myself can believe it either. I can't exactly say all the things God gave and entrusted to my life, there are countless of them. I am just greatful how His mercies and love knock at my door every morning, the moment I wake up. He is endless, the beginning, the end, the God of yesterday, TODAY and tomorrow.

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive."-Genesis 50:20

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